Learn to Surf in Costa Rica, Surf Lessons in Jaco

Learn to Surf in Costa Rica

Learn to Surf in Costa Rica

If you have been wanting to learn how to surf while on vacation in Costa Rica, Jaco Beach is the best place to accomplish this goal. With year-round waves, certified instructors, lifeguards, and the laid-back vibe of a surf town, Jaco Beach is a surfer’s dream. Learn how to paddle between the blue waves of the Pacific Ocean and catch the feeling that so many crave. Dropping in on a perfect wave, gliding down the line, and feeling the salt spray you leave behind in your wake is the dream come true. Take some surf lessons in Jaco and you’ll get to truly experience this surf town in all its glory!

Waves Year Round

While most other surf spots in the world only have waves during certain seasons, Jaco has waves all year long. In the dry season, the waves are smaller and gentler, perfect for beginners. During the rainy season, the waves get bigger and stronger—a great opportunity for intermediate surfers who are looking to challenge themselves in the lineup. No matter what time of year you are here, the waves at the south end of the beach are always calmer. The south end is protected by a rocky outcropping which blunts the power of incoming swells. Most often, beginner surf lessons take place on the south end of the beach for this very reason. While you’re here, there will never be a day of no waves. During your stay, you will get to surf every single day, unless you’re too tired from all the surfing the day before!

Certified Instructors

Because Jaco is so popular for surfing, there are plenty of certified instructors around. While the surf shacks on the beach are great for someone who wants to try surfing once, we recommend selecting a more established surf instructor or program if you really want to learn how to surf. Learning how to surf takes more than one lesson—it is a difficult sport with a large learning curve, but once you get the hang of it, it is incredibly rewarding. For those who are truly interested in learning how to surf while in Jaco, we recommend the week-long surf camp at Jaco Inn. With professional, certified instructors that have been surfing their whole lives, an established surf school, and a curated surfing program, you’re guaranteed to be standing up and catching waves by the end of the week. They also offer programs and longer stays for intermediate to advanced surfers.


Another great thing about taking surf lessons in Jaco is the lifeguards. Not many beaches in Costa Rica have lifeguards. The lifeguards of Jaco are highly trained and always alert for the next rescue. Most of them are also surfers and know how to make deep-water rescues. If you are interested in surfing but worried about being out deep in the ocean, have no fear. Your certified instructor will keep you safe and the lifeguards will be there in case you need them.

Surf Town

In Jaco, the locals live and breathe surf. If there are waves early morning, they’ll be out there catching them. And when the tide lines up with the sunset, they’ll be surfing until last light. Learning how to surf here is super fun because the locals are so friendly. You don’t have to worry about aggressive localism like there is in some other parts of the world. No one is going to bully you or kick you out of the water for learning how to surf. Rather, they’ll be cheering you on when you catch your first wave. Here is a great place to make friends that surf and learn more about the sport from other talented athletes. You’ll also have easy access to surf gear and apparel as there are plenty of surf shops all throughout town.