Retirement in Costa Rica

Few things are more important than securing your retirement plans. You work hard all your life so you can enjoy the good life in your “golden years.” Do you want to spend those precious years in the same rat race you’ve been in all your life? Isn’t actual retirement supposed to be enjoyable, kind of like an extended vacation? My recommendation, of course, would be to buy a lovely home in Costa Rica and enjoy paradise when you retire, but I’m not the only one who thinks this is a great idea.

Where will you Retire? Retirement in Costa Rica

Costa Rica

More and more people are starting to retire to Costa Rica and enjoy a natural paradise with beautiful mountains, rain forests, and gorgeous ocean views. Don’t be worried that you won’t spend enough time with your family. All the airlines offer regular flights to Costa Rica at affordable prices. Christmas in Costa Rica isn’t that bad either.

You know, things are changing in the United States.  It’s getting harder to live “the American Dream”.  Maybe it’s time for a new dream; one that’s filled with picturesque sunsets, rainbows, mountains, and the ocean.  Not to mention wonderful happy people who enjoy life and seldom have time for complaints.  If you look back at last week’s post on purchasing property in Costa Rica with your IRA, you just might find an easy and advantageous way to finance your retirement in this beautiful country.  There are so many good reasons to make Costa Rica your home, whether for your retirement, vacations, or even right now, and if you simply stay tuned to this blog you will begin to discover them all.