Traveling around Costa Rica

Costa Rica Trail Running

Published On: March 5, 2024Categories: Jaco, SportsTags: , , , ,

Costa Rica Trail Running

Going on vacation doesn’t mean you have to disrupt your routine. If you’re an avid runner, make sure to pack your running shoes because it is safe to run in Costa Rica! Jaco Beach has plenty of trail running and road running options. Check out our suggestions for where to run below.

The Beach

The most refreshing place to enjoy your vacation runs is obviously on the beach! While it is possible to run along the shore in Jaco, you must wait for the low tide so that you have flat sand to run on. If you try to run during mid or high tide there is not enough flat sand and you will end up straining your knees. So check the tides before you head out! We recommend beach running in the early morning or around sunset; otherwise, it will be too hot and sunburn is a possibility.

Miro Mountain

Another great way to enjoy the beauty of Jaco while you’re running is to go for a Costa Rica trail run in Miro Mountain. Make sure you have the appropriate footwear for trail running as Miro Mountain’s path is unpaved and bumpy. You’ll be nice and cool no matter what time of the day as the path is heavily shaded by the rainforest jungle around it. If you’re lucky you’ll see some monkeys cheering you on as you run along. Although it’s a tough run uphill it is worth the incredible view once you make it to the top.

Hit The Road

If you prefer road running over the trail or beach, why not hit the pavement and explore the town of Jaco? In the early mornings you’ll see many runners jogging along the streets and sidewalks. Take their lead and follow where the sidewalk takes you. This is a great way to explore a bit while you are exercising. Some parts of the road can be uneven but most of the sidewalks are flat making for smooth, comfortable running.

Playa Hermosa

You can also run in Playa Hermosa if you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of Jaco. There is a long stretch of dirt road that runs along the coastline in Hermosa that is frequently used by runners and bikers alike. Just take a taxi to Hermosa and have the driver drop you off right where the line of restaurants ends; you’ll see where the dirt road begins.